I always thought this seemed like a pretty dumb idea. It's way more efficient to use a heat pump. And cheaper.
The only reason you would do this is if you're either a hardcore bitcoiner that wants to secure the network at the cost of your own dime or if you're in a position where you can't install a heat pump.
2023 the year of orangepilling HVAC industry? Would love a setup like this myself, but I wouldn’t trust myself to install it safely.
This would be a perfect solution for businesses with heated pools, or spas, or saunas.
The link for this post uses a read-only front-end for Twitter, which can be easier to read for viewing a full Twitter thread. The Tweet that kicked off the thread is:
Presenting: #BitcoinHouseHeater Based on the #BitcoinWaterHeater, this system can fully heat House, Water and HotTub with Bitcoin Miners, and this cheaper than the original heating costs (possibly completely free) 1/13