firsts of all, fuck them for that title.
Second, maybe because they have been exploited enough and are ready to move on from fiat (dollar/euro/insert shitcoin of choice) oppression. But realistically, most likely a scam, someone found a way to make more money by ripping off others.
The countries that will push massive adoption of Bitcoin are the underdeveloped countries with economic woes
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I didn't expect much from a vice article. The general tone of the article doesn't specifically toss fud at bitcoin, and the CFA takes a well justified hit.
[Alex Gladstein, chief strategy officer of the Human Rights Foundation] added: “It really appears that this whole thing was like a scam to get Sangocoin promoted. I don't think the goal was to integrate Bitcoin in a meaningful way in the country's economy. It seems like the president is interested in Bitcoin and there's a small group of people around him who exploited that interest to be able to pass these laws to try and get the Sangocoin going, which they had a vision to make a ton of money off of. But it appears that it really only managed to raise a little bit of money in the end.”