This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Can you use an LN address (e.g. like a normal email address?
Maybe one day! Perhaps even with a lightning paywall
Today has not been as funfull as I imagine getting out of bed. forgive my bantering @k00b, this week just seems like it wasn't my week, I am down with flu and having an irritating throat... Frankly, I anticipated better...🤷🏿‍♂️
203 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 6 Jan 2023
i wonder how many SN users know that they can change the ranking of posts on the main page based on the number of sats they tip…
You could do a poll
I got into argument with protesters in south of Peru, because they blocked ports and we needed to get on land. Step 2 early tomorrow is to get through blockades to Arequipa.
Twitter Analytics results for @StackerNewsFeed Twitter account for December 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 136K impressions over this 31 day period
Tweets: 1,309 Profile visits: 6.2K Mentions: 263 New followers: 81 Engagement rate: 2.9% Link clicks: 1.8k Retweets without comments: 337 Likes: 437 Replies: 198
Mastodon (Fediverse) for Followers: 355 (+50 since December 1)

For November 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 101K impressions over this 30 day period
Tweets: 1,519 Profile visits: 7.4K Mentions: 884 New followers: 53 Engagement rate: 3.4% Link clicks: 1.2k Retweets without comments: 181 Likes: 314 Replies: 726
Mastodon (Fediverse) for Followers: 305 (+132 since November 1)

For October 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 94.0K impressions over this 31 day period
Tweets: 1,734 Profile visits: 8.4K Mentions: 485 New followers: 76 Engagement rate: 3.6% Link clicks: 1.3k Retweets without comments: 386 Likes: 458 Replies: 368
Mastodon (Fediverse) for Followers: 173 (+19 since October 1)

Data for earlier months can be found starting from the November 2022 summary

Twitter account impressions - October 2 2022 - December 30 2022
Just launched the - migrated Nostr search to this dedicated site from
Plus a new feature: you can buy yourself a Nostr identifier here in under 30 seconds.
What does this do exactly?
By "this" you mean NIP-05 identifier?
Yes is it needed?
Most clients will show some kind of 'verified' badge if you have NIP-05 name, so you look more trustworthy. And when someone mentions you they won't have to specify your pubkey, but can just type your NIP-05 name which is easier to remember, and then when a post with your mention is displayed, your NIP-05 name will be displayed, not pubkey, which is again - easier to understand and remember for other people.
I'm just admiring the new SN Editor and seeing how best to use it, especially with a new way of adding images, bullet points and italic fonts. Just wondering if styling your comments can affect the structure of the comment design.
Good morning peeps, we'll it's Friday and the weekend is here, perhaps some time off or some needed rest is necessary but it has been quite a week, a tad busy and market a tad sideways but no fret just keep DCAing and hodling... I'll sit down and enjoy my hot cup of Java and ponder about the immortality of crabs, be well friends and stay frosty!!!