This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
The atmosphere is made up of 0.04% co2 so I don't understand how that can influence temperatures
Do you think there should be reparations for the climate hoax? I mean Al Gore called it an inconvenient truth and basically said the world was going to end by now and it influenced alot of bad policy and gave stress to children in particular
Finally added login / comment / tip feature for bsats..
will try to publish a release this week, hope Apple doesn't block it...
That's awesome, just keep us in the know... One love and appreciation...
Somewhat often I'm in a situation on Twitter where I patiently explain to someone where did their reasoning went wrong over multiple back and forth replies... and in the end the person deletes all their tweets.
Doesn't this mean you won?
Maybe, but I find that reaction weird.
If they aren't pseudonymous (or have an identity around a nym), they might not want to be found out as publicly wrong.
If they aren't pseudonymous (or have an identity around a nym), they might not want to be found out as publicly wrong.
nice to see some big tips on SN this week, its becoming common to scroll through the main page and see multiple posts with over 1,000 sats tipped now… it wasn’t long ago that 1,000 sats was a big deal
Turbo tipping is really helping me tip in a more value proportional way ... maybe others are using it.
1 click - "I see you" 2 - "this is pretty good" 3 - "excellent" 4 - "wow"
5 - “take all my sats”
Experimenting with animated tip jars at 😁 Made one for @lukeonchain and for myself 😉
Would anyone like one for testing?
try something like this if you haven't . And maybe also add that to your FAQ (i got like 4 different guides on my other machine if you need hmu)
Yeah I've setup the proxy and can receive payments to 😁 - NVK's guide is already there, perhaps will add the links you've posted below as well.
Gotta test the proxy to WoS too.
Hey man!!! Haven't been here for a whileeeeeeeeeeee. I'm a bad surfer. Gotta put stacker in my rotation again. Been down diff rabbit holes
Yo do you mind changing my lightning-address to "" cuz got my own LNURL proxy that points to Alby. So i can use my own direct domain instead... tip jar would look better 😍
Will change your ln address with the upcoming deployment 🙂
roger, thanks !
Getting into playing piano again. Currently learning Wish You Were Here from Pinky Floyd.
Отправка фрегата «Адмирал Горшков» к берегам стран — членов НАТО стала главным подарком к Новому году. Об этом заявил заместитель председателя Совета безопасности РФ Дмитрий Медведев.
«Главный подарок к Новому году с боекомплектом ракет „Циркон“ отправился вчера к берегам стран НАТО, — написал политик в своём Telegram-канале. — Тысяча километров дальности их применения с гиперзвуком в девять Махов и возможностью использовать любой заряд с гарантией преодолевают любую ПРО. Пусть постоит где-то в 100 милях от берега, поближе к реке Потомак. Так что радуйтесь!».
По словам Медведева, такой «подарок» приведет в чувство любого, кто будет представлять прямую угрозу России и нашим союзникам.
«Вам и вашим прихвостням, убивающим наших людей, никогда не будет прощения. Будем говорить с вами на языке силы, раз по-другому не понимаете. И выпускать ещё больше современного оружия. Молотить им нацистскую падаль, которую вы породили в XXI веке. Мстить каждому преступнику за каждого убитого гражданина нашей страны», — резюмировал Медведев.
Ранее сообщалось, что 4 января президент РФ Владимир Путин принял участие в церемонии выхода на боевую службу фрегата «Адмирал Горшков», оснащённого ракетными системами морского базирования «Циркон».
Путин отметил, что это вооружение способно надёжно защищать безопасность страны. Он также поблагодарил специалистов ОПК, которые начали серийно производить «Цирконы», и добавил, что Россия в дальнейшем будет совершенствовать боевой потенциал своих Вооруженных сил.
Translation: Naked, impotent dictator of a nation of slaves desperately tries to inspire fear in the West in a bemusing gambit to stop aid to Ukrainian defenders.
Just FYI, nobody is afraid of Putin's nuclear saber rattling. Do it, pussies. I dare you. Push the button. What's stopping you?
Western aid is not going to stop; it's only ramping up. And unlike the products of Russia's corrupt and inefficient military-industrial complex, our weapons actually work. Unlike the products of Russia's hilariously broken military command and logistics, Ukrainian soldiers are actually trained in their proper use. You might have noticed that just a couple dozen examples of a single NERFed US weapons system are obliterating mobiks (and C2, and ammo dumps, and logistics centers) in their hundreds. как дела, самарские ребята?
The US alone has a great deal more weapons and ammo stockpiled, and we have many advanced weapons systems yet to be supplied. Russia's scraping the bottom of the barrel, sending in T55's; we're only just now giving ZSU some Bradleys. And we've got like 4000 more. Oh and we haven't even started Lend-Lease LMFAO.
Countries supporting Ukraine collectively far outweigh Russia in any economic or military comparison. Your genocidal war of imperial conquest is already lost. Each day Russia continues this cruel and illegal war worsens Russia's strategic position. It's a brilliant geopolitical position for Russia's adversaries, though, and regardless of what Putin tries next, they will surely continue to exploit Putin's hubris and idiocy to grind away Russian force projection capacity into nothingness.
Your retarded Tsar is frantically throwing away his serfs' lives to stay in power just a little longer, while serfs like you cheerlead for his genius strategy of throwing their lives away for nothing. So enjoy your upcoming state-mandated holiday in Ukraine! When you're cowering in a foxhole, paranoid you just heard a UAV, scared shitless from PGMs killing your buddies, know that fat, rich, entitled Americans are lazily sipping their coffees in the comfort of their warm kitchens, starting their day to more heart-warming videos of Russian war criminals getting turned into fertilizer.
Gonna check out ln-rebalance today
Just felt like sharing this @k00b here its been a doll week and I am basically reflecting.
2022 was more like a learning experience and the most challenging times for me, it hurts writing about it, but I believe it can certainly encourage others that there's more to life.
Asides from my 9-5 I also had a business I set up and ran for the past 3years... This business had to do with agricultural and farming on a contract basis for individuals who desired to invest in the Agricultural sector by proxy. However, our farm was hit with serious drought which our insurance cover didn't cover. Long story short I lost about $27,500 in investment.. Being someone who also had crypto investment, I had to sell low to ensure I settle investors.. Since the market was down o sold mostly at a loss.. I'll stop here as I am getting emotional... 2023 is a recovery year for me..
I was away from social media, but I am back and better!! check this out #117687
This can help push other's who feel mentally down... @sn
I just read the Lightning report and I got to know about the active nodes, channels and the capacity of BTC on the Lightning network. Like Dexter's Laboratory animation, I'm calculating the time the network can reach 1 Million BTC. It is presently just over 5000 BTC
Morning everyone!! What a great day to stack some sats, the weekend is almost here so hang in there my friends, I wish you a fantastic day, I'll head for work soon as I finish my hot cup of Java, be well my friends and stay frosty!!
Staying humble & stacking $ats
Spread the word about Stacker News on my Publish0x blog. Will keep doing so