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So if you can't why do you say is not private? Please tell to those fuckers to find my UTXO. GFY Chain anal guys can suck my dick. Deep throat.
Nation states, the threat we are talking about, can hire Chainanalysis do de-anonymize LN, which is why I'm saying its not responsible to advocate it in a life/death situation
I like how you are an "expert" but you don't know nothing, just repeat the propaganda and FUD narrative. But you can't prove anything. Please show me how you "de-anonymize" my LN payment. If you can't please shut the fuck up.
Where is Matt Coallo (Blockstream’s co-founder and LN dev) wrong here?
Don't show me a YT presentation. Is worthless. Show me facts. show me you are capable to prove that if I send you 100 sats over LN you find out from where, who am I and my UTXO. If you can't prove that, ... STFU.
I'm sorry your attention span is so short.
Privacy is very important. But it's even more important to be able to audit the network. For those who want privacy, with some effort, there are ways to do it sufficiently so that even nation-states can't find you. It may not be perfect, but it's better than using shitcoins.