this was quite productive!

my takeaways:
  • image uploading and file handling in general needs an overhaul, in terms of UX and code
  • there seems to be a general appetite for editing & deleting things (at least for a certain time period after creation)
    • editing asks
    • editing and deleting offers
    • removing tags from aks
  • safari browser experience is a total train wreck, desktop site is slow and buggy, mobile site is unusable
  • users seem to confused about the way the site works, and what they can do with it
  • login (with alby/webln) seems to be a bit of a pain point
  • users want early settlement of asks before they run out
  • countdowns are too prominent, and they need to be less pronounced
what I already fixed/improved:
  • there is now an indicator if an ask already has a favourited offer
  • I've added a "not favourited yed" quick filter to the sidebar
  • I've added a bunch of tooltips, explaining all the dates, buttons and icons to the site
  • comments are much nicer now, you actually know that you successfully posted one
  • the invoices now have proper descriptions with the actual usernames
  • a bunch of minor bugs
if you want to test any further, I have added another batch of easy asks:
...I've set the times of those much shorter so that you can get a payout sooner.
And don't forget this , ArtiSats needs a logo!