Buy from a friend- This one is laughable. Most Bitcoiners aren’t trying to sell and plus if they do it’s Highly unlikely they are selling you non-KYC sats. Yes you can try Plausible deniability but that can only get you so far. If the government wants you good luck trying to explain those two words to the authorities.
At this very moment, there are people out there who have bitcoin or earn bitcoin (e.g., mining, freelancing, whatever) and are saying ... "Damn, I need some cash right now. I wish there was someone I knew who was buying, and would pay cash so it would be a No-KYC transaction." So maybe you just haven't exhausted your circle (and your circle's circle) to find such a person.
Bisq- The liquidity is awful. You must keep your computer on at all times to buy and sell. The user experience overall is horrible so many different tabs and steps to follow. But my biggest beef is you need No-KYC sats first to even make your first purchase for collateral. So already it’s a catch 22.
There's also HodlHodl, LocalCoinSwap, LocalCryptos, AgoraDesk, and some shitcoin ones that are No-KYC as well. See:
Person-to-Person bitcoin Trading Exchanges
Also, P2P platforms do a good job of matchmaking where repeat buyers are finding repeat sellers (and vice-versa). But local, in-person / face-to-face transaction are nowadays pretty rare. It's much harder to find a seller, locally, looking for in-person, cash payment than it is for something like a Zelle or Cash App payment.
But, ... if you put out a listing that you are Buying, local, in-person, ... sure you might have to way a few days (or weeks) to get a seller, but that eventually does happen, and you then get a chance to meet the person. If they are selling today, they might sell to you again. If they want that, you then have their number.
You can bump up your offer price to create an incentive for a seller to do an in-person cash trade with you -- one that might not otherwise have been willing to spend the time selling via in-person, face-to-face (it's not a very convenient method, ... requiring an investment of time far higher than ). Think of it as the price for the matchmaking. Eventually you'll find a repeat seller that will continue selling to you, without requiring such a high markup.
tl;dr: It takes two to tango, and there are sellers out there waiting on buyers
Replies like these aren’t based in reality. Re read the post. People who are poor and living in rural communities aren’t going to do these methods.
So to buy p2p I have to sit around and wait for Someone to sell from their mining/earning stash which I already stated these aren’t really practical now. Also you have to becareful crime can happen when doing in-person meetups.
No one is paying people in Bitcoin on a regular basis why would they when you can pay cash?
None of the p2p solutions you mentioned work on a mobile phone and require collateral which isn’t easy to come by when starting from zero.
“tl;dr: It takes two to tango, and there are sellers out there waiting on buyers”
Not on bisq. I check it every so often and I see the same sell orders selling at the “privacy” premium.