I have been learning about Bitcoin since 2020. I have always been interested in how new technologies can change our perspective on the world. With the increase of the economic crisis in Venezuela, I discovered in Bitcoin a way to protect my savings and have a decentralized financial system, outside the control of the government. A defender of Bitcoin as a means to achieve individual sovereignty.
Nostr pub key: npub1rr3678k7ajms2sht0cqqeawy86sdd5ahn6akfj8zex9ng82zuh0sz8nywd or NIP-05 Lurusan@rogue.earth
Hosting "A Venezuelan Bitcoiner Journey" Podcast 🎧https://fountain.fm/show/XsscCx4P85iMpafjBZAB | Short articles: http://lurusan.substack.com 📙
Welcome aboard!
Thanks for the warm welcome!