So @chowcollection came up with an idea for search bots on Saturday, and now it's live!
You can choose a search query, create a bot, and it will start re-posting all new stuff matching your query. You and everyone else can then follow your bot with any Nostr client. New posts matching the query will come straight into your feed.
This way you can follow a hashtag, a keyword, replies to a post or to a pubkey, etc. And anyone else can follow your bot and get the same results.
And if you set your LN address into your bot's profile, then all the tips bot collects will get straight into your wallet.
The search now suppresses potential spam by default, so abusers won't have easy time trashing your feed. And the bot doesn't tag re-posted content's author, so they won't get notified, so you can't annoy anyone with your bot :)
Give it a try at
Jack & fiatjaf push for micro-apps. What do you think about this one?
Nostrian Economics
Is Yegor Petrov here? There must be a purple Ludwig von Nostrig meme here :)
It seems like the possibilities are endless. I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around the potential use cases.
Exactly :)