Why do you censor yourself? Saying n-word and not nigger is censoring yourself. This is part of the agenda to brainwash people into "behaving" as obedient sheeps. Say the truth always. Who would feel hurt by words is their problem not yours. Its'a word in the english dictionary, so you are entitled to use it. Who feels hurt by the word nigger or whatever other "prohibited" word is the one having a problem, not you...
This is not "racist"... we are all same race: humans. Racist is when you say to a goose that is a human... 😂😂😂, yes we are not the same "race".
There's no such thing as prohibited word. If you really want to insult somebody, there are many other ways. [This reminds me about amazing presentation by Rowan Attkinson about free speech
Nooo I referred to the n-word "nazi"....