What are the most impressive ChatGPT completions you've gotten so far while coding or solving another problem?
For me it was today when I got ChatGPT to help me debug some React tests, I pasted in my full testing suite, the error I was getting, plus the component I'm testing. It took a few messages back and forth but ChatGPT was able to keep all of this context in its session and help me find the solution across 2 files of code.
"I aint standing for this!"
I wanted to implement multithreading into some code of mine, so I prompted it to "parallelize this code: ..."
What would've taken me at least half a day was done in one minute.
What I really think it excels at is as a teacher. The ability to ask targeted questions and get easy explanations is really something else.
"Write a implementation for a 5-way multisig with a timelock in bitcoin script." "Write another implementation in miniscript using psbts"
"summarize WWII using 30 emojis" "Translate that to english"
It's written code for me, and helped me several times when I was stuck while coding. Truly amazing.
But don't ask questions on topics that have been contaminated with politics, though!
I was able to find a TOCTOU vulnerability in a university excercise where I should find a vulnerability in the provided binary.
Got it to write all content for it's own Android app lol
The jokes about their server on display as they can't take in new users
That's pretty amazing. What's it going to be in 10 years? 50?
Pretty soon a computer will be able to fit in one whole room.
Why can't we just design things to work with a minimum of human effort?
Sam here. for me it was a typescript migration that I was working on, it knows the context and is able to explain each step.