There have been many videogames that either cost BTC or paid out for prizes in bitcoin before, but I've never seen one with a real sats-based economy. We've literally been talking about this idea since 2011, maybe even earlier. (I wanted to start a Rune server that accepted bitcoin that year, had no idea how to do it though.)
The big problem that everyone hit with in-game economies before always came down to starter funding. Once an economy is going there shouldn't be any problem, but I wonder where Orange will get it's first coins to pump into the new economy there?
Looking forward to the gameplay. Especially the Crusading to other servers!
Crusading into other servers and spreading some Bitcoin love is awesome.
On your point about the economy - by integrating sats/allowing sats to trade in the Orange server the server is tapping into the global Bitcoin economy. It doesn't need to be a circular economy itself because sats can be earned anywhere on the internet and spent there, and sats earned there can be spent anywhere on the internet etc.