Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but can't I control what I read in my client? I mean to say: the relay XYZ can contain messages which are ads, but since my client is the one fetching them for me, can't my client discard whatever I consider irrelevant, such as the ads?
Or even worse: couldn't I trick the relay by having my client fetch them, but not visually display them for me, thus getting the reward without the annoyance?
Work-around might be a pay-per-click ad model (where you'd have to prove a view) rather than pay-per-impressions where yeah, you could just pretend to have looked at it.
PPC still seems pretty easy to fake by getting your client to just fetch in the background, but not sure how that's any different from the current world of ads, except users don't get paid directly for views. How does Brave handle it?
Yeah, I imagine some type of (or combination of) metrics. Pubkeys who interact with ads more are paid more, pubkeys who interact less or "convert" less are shown less ads/paid less
There are likely numerous ways to exploit a simple version of this, most of which can be mitigated— More so interested in if getting paid sats to see some ads in client is something there is an appetite for