Hello, I'm former SBW dev and you're wrong about literally everything here. I bet you know no one from Ukraine, perhaps you did not even know such a place exists until recently. It's highly unlikely that you are a paid russian bot oh boy you sound a lot like one, perhaps reevaluate your information sources because your current ones are outright poisonous.
What exactly was incorrect in my statement? Do you deny any points in particular? My friend's family fled ukraine at the start of the war and he told me their story. If truth is poisonous to you then I'm sorry you fell for the propaganda. The PEOPLE of ukraine want a negotiation, and a split with with the russian side. From what I understand this is the only way to peace. Your misguided "support" results in us sending weapons and encouraging them to continue fighting a war they cannot win. Lives lost over land on a map.
Oh and man, I'm from Ukraine, it just occurred to me you think I'm not.
Literally every point of yours is incorrect, starting with original post and continuing here with "unwinnable war" and stuff, all of these are russian psyops narratives. Like man, what the fuck.
Factually, thanks to all kinds of western support russian ambitions have already shrinked from occupying the whole country to taking a cities on the east while sustaining serious losses (if you don't believe me then look at openly available data on how long have they been trying to take over Bakhmut/Soledar axis and then on how historically disasterous failing affensives are for the attacking side).
I can not talk for all the people of Ukraine but I and people around me want a decisive victory, not some unsustainable peace which will result in another invasion in a couple of years.
Please tell "Lives lost over land on a map" to russians, not to us, we are not an invading side here, it's like basics right?