Also agree with all your points. Fantastic article. This is a great opportunity for the development ecosystem of bitcoin — we’re seeing people come into Nostr building on it who are not even bitcoiners. We’ve been stuck in this hamster wheel of developing the same kinds of applications for a while — wallets wallets wallets, now it’s time for building vertically as Roy puts it. Use cases on bitcoin that show off how it is going to be the native currency of the internet.
I would argue that we have seen this kind of interesting development before, Twitter in the early days attracted designers and developers to create all sorts of things on top of its API.
Services and companies were built around that ecosystem. Do you remember twitpic, klout, buffer, foursquare? The difference is now the API will remain open, payments can be integrated natively, and as you stated no central authority.
FUN times ahead for bitcoin!
can't wait :)