Finding more ways to stack sats with my Fold card! Just nailed 10,000 free sats with a flash deal they had! Also hit over 250,000 free sats total today! If you want in, here is 50,000 free sats!
Whenever I read these tyoe posts I regret living in New York, where fiat is king and stuff like Fold is banned. Got to protect Wall Street banks!
Wow that is nuts! Sorry to hear it is banned. I also have a Gemini credit card. You get 10% back on gas, 3% restaurants, 2% grocery stores, and 1% everything else. I take those rewards in sats and have over 1,000,000 free sats since April!
Gemini is the exception. They are licensed in New York. I'm getting sats back on the Gemini card too!
This is how I feel about liquid and the AMP security token service. Feels like usa will be left out of this digital movement
Yes we need more options for sound money!
And sound Finance