Have we reached "Peak WEF"? The self-proclaimed saviours of the world from climate change are hiding behind a wall of 5000 Swiss troops as they gather in Davos to sharpen their strategy to fight free markets and individualism.
It's good to see their ESG investment strategy literally attacked by the Fed radically tightening the offshore dollar market. They were not able to implement their total control CBDCs up to today or to solve the brewing Euro-crisis just to bring two more examples of their failing policy.
Let's stack Sats like hell to give an answer of freedom!
It's pretty obvious they will loose eventually, given that the parasitic class are enabled by 0% interest rates.
“Just as in all spheres God opposes myth, mythical violence is confronted by the divine. And the latter constitutes its antithesis in all respects. If mythical violence is lawmaking, divine violence is law-destroying; if the former sets boundaries, the latter boundlessly destroys them; if mythical violence brings at once guilt and retribution, divine power only expiates; if the former threatens, the latter strikes; if the former is bloody, the latter is lethal without spilling blood.”  — Walter Benjamin, Critique of Violence
Exactly. And therefore we should really hope for J Powell being strong enough to resist to the growing pressure of the Davos crowd to open the floodgates again. He has to kill the Fed Put first, then the Eurodollar-market that financed the Euro-commie-zone.
Death to tyrants
We just need to bleed them financially... Me personally? I am stacking this nice thing they call a not-working failed fascist blockchain project to fulfill my part defunding these assholes.
We will know the WEF is dead when we can board an airplane without having to go through scanners and taking off our footwear
Yes, thats definitely one good inficator. And parasites like Greta Thunberg will be looking for productive work to solve real world problems and scarcity with their own hands (brains are underdeveloped so won't contribute to the gross income).
We’ll never hit peak Davos just like we’ll never hit peak Clown World. New peaks are just beyond the horizon.
I do understand well that You are a bit frustrated at this point. But: think of the history of cultures. They always ended up in a type of clown world style. Documents of the last roman aristrocrats in the 5th century in the transformation time for example are telling. They simply couldn't understand their own people and their apokalyptic stance anymore.
Yes, stacking sats is where we can find freedom, not in any authoritative and controlling CBDCs
I don't think they're going anywhere anytime soon. You're more optimistic than me, and I hope you're right.
Watch the capital flows out of ESG. The anti-ESG stance of JP Morgan, how capital has been flowing from the EU to the US. And then there is this war on food and meat production - more people are waking up to the attacks of the WEF crowd that destroys their lifes. Thanks to Elon Musk we have a real news cycle in the fraud and shit that is really going on. The Eurozone will collapse at a point. Thats the real Fed Pivot in my opinion.
I think there are more people aware of the WEF and all the globalist/Marxist agenda after the lockdowns, but my worry is that there are not enough people having kids, raising them themselves, and teaching them Christian principles of love for your fellow man and personal responsibility. Without that, it’s just going to be the usual case of different cultures/worldviews fighting each other. But, the best part is anyone can change that anytime they want!
teaching them Christian principles
choose your indoctrination poison
Yes indeed. We all have a worldview and we are all being indoctrinated/educated in some direction by others and/or ourselves. I try to think hard about how and why I think what I think. And to stay open to being wrong. Since it’s hard to even know myself, let alone exactly what’s right.
You need distance to the chaos? May I recommend the phrases of the greek philosopher Epikuros? In Lao Tse You find his asian pendant.
You're right. Consciousness is clearly growing. And the press is trying hard to protect Klaus camarilla.
I think you're interpreting too much into it 😂😂
Also, most people don't get ESG. ESG isn't "woke agenda": E & S are only because of making stock growth long term and the G literally stands for how powerful Shareholders (=Capitalists) are which is why Facebook has very bad G
You are making the same error like all the people here in Europe that always thought: well, thats a bunch of clowns and idiots - let them fuck around a little bit. Now they gained actual power. They destroy the energy sector, automobiles, fertilizer, meat production, freedom of expression. For me thats a cultural war. But You of course are free to interprete this as You like to.