As the cast iron vs stainless steel battle waged on, I decided to inquire as to how to join neither team and instead beat both. I think I have come up with a damn good solution, and I figure it will be a good test case for Bitcoin fixing things. So the next time someone says "all right, but besides sound, permissionless, money, savings, the restoration of human civilization through lower time preference, nostr, and Lightning, what have the bitcoiners ever done for us [read in Monty Python style re. 'the Romans'], we can reply, "they fixed frying pans".
It may be a bit whimsical, but I am completely serious. Bitcoin is not simply abstract ideas, far away ideas (developing nations), threats that might appear unlikely (people underestimate risks), or just a savings technology, -- literally every object in this world is touched by the economic calculus of the monetary goods a civilization uses. Most people tolerate the mundane parts of the world as they exist, but let me tell you, it is extraordinarily supbar in areas you might not even think about, but it bothers me tremendously.
If bitcoiners cannot make the world's greatest pan when it is a half trillion dollar asset, how will they be able to operate intelligently when the dollar is dead? With Bitcoin a single defector, a single person who is intolerant to mediocrity can change the tides, but that person must exist. The consumer too must be discerning for things to improve swiftly -- you get what you want, and if you do not want greatness, you shall not have it!
Here is a Twitter thread on the matter:
A modest crowdfunding campaign (so it's really bitcoin fixing this, not just me fixing it):