Yup gradually then suddenly! Here goes the snow ball picking up steam!
скорость нарастает по экспоненте))) время это враг для доллара)))
How fast the dollar dominance is fading now is fascinating. The attacks on the petrodollar are definitely part of the big geopolitical shift towards a multipolar world. I am sitting here on my cold stored Bitcoin like a hen, watching the greatest of great stories rolling out in realtime.
прямой эфир это супер))) наблюдаешь???
I love Bitcoin, its becomming this cogweel that exists between all other currencies. You can enter with USD and exit with Euro, or any other fiat. Its pretty neat.
Well, yeah, but so far 80% of FIAT by numer and 95% by volume are just USD proxies - think EUR, GBP, KWD, JPY. When there are more "forbidden" or isolated currencies, the real party will begin On the other hand USDT has actually been quite useful in shorting TRL (for some reason forbidden to do in the West) or buying RUB right after the partial gold coverage was announced.