"The Bitcoin Standard" "The Price of Tomorrow" "The Bullish Case for Bitcoin" "The Blocksize wars" "The Soverign Individual" "Bitcoin: Everything Divided by 21 million "
Post yours and which of those is/are your favs.
I'm making an article about it, I'll thank you for your feedback!
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson
For motivation and monetary background: "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by Griffin
Bitcoin by Dominic Frisby The Book of Satoshi by Phil Champagne
I'm currently reading The Rational Optimist. Not about bitcoin of course since it was published in 2010, but provides great insight into why nocoiners shit on bitcoin all the time. The exact same thing has happened with pretty much every new innovation for all of human history.
21 Lessons by Der Gigi is good
When Money Dies