With Blue wallet you can top up your lightning wallet with sats very easily. They call it refill. Convert your on-chain bitcoin from the same wallet into sats, or from any external source. Blue wallet also utilizes LNDHub and LNBits for it's node connectivity.
LNDHub and LNBits both run on full nodes as I understand... with LNBits you can use it to create LNURLs I think? https://github.com/lnbits/lnbits/tree/main/lnbits/extensions/lnaddress
Easiest method for me to get non-KYC sats from fiat would be robosats. It forces you to use TOR basically as privacy is paramount. If revolut is available... that's a common payment method for sats. (not on-chain but LN).
Perfect! Thanks for the input, we'll add this to the list for testing on the ground.