Twitter is still censoring, reply deboosting and imposing search bans.
They do this to those terrible conservatives. Like Stephan Livera:
A Tweet with that link does indeed exist on Twitter:
Then you have reply deboosting. There are many, many Twitter accounts of bitcoiners whose replies you will never see -- because Twitter hides them unless you click:
"Show additional replies, including those that may contain offensive content."
Offensive content ... like that account had retweeted something about Ivermectin a couple years ago, ... or had written something else the Twitter algos were designed to detect and punish.
Twitter needs to die. Mastodon is different, but same.
In a few weeks my Mastodon account that I've had for a couple years goes bye-bye. Why? That admin, our NVK, has moved on to Nostr, and will no longer be operating that server instance. Thousands of posts ... bye-bye. That's OK, Mastodon doesn't have search, other than for hashtags, so old posts are old and provide no "long tail" value.
I sure hope Nostr fixes this. Twitter needs to die though. That I can't wait to see happen.