Twitter is still censoring, reply deboosting and imposing search bans.
They do this to those terrible conservatives. Like Stephan Livera:
A Tweet with that link does indeed exist on Twitter:
Then you have reply deboosting. There are many, many Twitter accounts of bitcoiners whose replies you will never see -- because Twitter hides them unless you click:
"Show additional replies, including those that may contain offensive content."
Offensive content ... like that account had retweeted something about Ivermectin a couple years ago, ... or had written something else the Twitter algos were designed to detect and punish.
Twitter needs to die. Mastodon is different, but same.
In a few weeks my Mastodon account that I've had for a couple years goes bye-bye. Why? That admin, our NVK, has moved on to Nostr, and will no longer be operating that server instance. Thousands of posts ... bye-bye. That's OK, Mastodon doesn't have search, other than for hashtags, so old posts are old and provide no "long tail" value.
I sure hope Nostr fixes this. Twitter needs to die though. That I can't wait to see happen.
lol, still far more that should actually be needed. they only thing they should need hundreds of is moderation and support staff.
True true. Funny how companies get bloated with useless employees over time.
Twitter needs to be very careful to avoid a growing negative experience momentum for its clients. I do not understand EM for not using Lightning and BTC to easily put some extreme value and new experience into the network.
I wonder what he would achieve with that though in terms of the Twitter company. Majority of people in the world do not use it, so the monetary value for Twitter would currently quite minimal. imho. Of course, in terms of promoting LN/BTC would be very nice.
Maybe he just bought it for publishing the Twitter Files. But this speculation would put him into a geopolitical battlefield that we can't oversee now.
Who knows :).