I'm using a Coldcard HW with Sparrow on Linux (mint). I'm getting an error msg:
"Could not open client or get fingerprint information"
Any ideas how to fix this?
You can try this: Advanced > MicroSD Card > Export Wallet .... Maybe the problem is the skelethon wallett. You can check also you pip3 dependencies
Why not use air gapped with micro SD card?
The device is not properly connected to the computer. Double-check that the device is connected securely and try again.
The device drivers are not installed or are out of date. Make sure that the latest drivers are installed on your computer.
The device firmware is out of date. Update the firmware on the Coldcard or Sparrow wallet.
The device is not compatible with the computer's operating system. Check if the device is supported on the operating system you are using.
The device is malfunctioning.
If none of the above works, try to check the manufacturer's website for troubleshooting steps or contact the manufacturer for support
Most of these I've checked. The drivers could be a possibility, but I think its likely because I'm using Mint. There might be something I need to change in the conf file.