One way for Bitcoin to die is to become obsolete and better technology will replace it. It is not always the one that is first to market that wins, eventhough there is the first mover advantage which Bitcoin has utilized so far. However, if a different protocol which has better technology suited for whatever people need, then there will be no reason for Bitcoin to continue to exist. Just look at all the social networks as an example, we had Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, now TikTok, each improving on top of the other in terms of what people want to use it for (not really in a good way, but still). Nowadays, the younger generation does not even bother with the first one :).
Only time will tell :).
This is a solid point, just one that I struggle with because of a simple lack of imagination. I don't see what else needs to be improved, and I especially don't see any improvements to be made that fundamentally cannot be applied in a future BIP.
Thanks for sharing your perspective
This is a good answer. Just want to add it won't be some shitcoin. It will be something completely different. Bitcoin relaced gold but bitcoin isn't newly discovered metal with different physical properties than gold. It's a whole new thing entirely. Eventually something will replace bitcoin, but it too will be something completely new and unexpected.
Yea this is a fantastic take, I didn't even think about it like this at all. It also hints at why the "crypto industry" seems so awkward and clunky. Just like Bitcoin isn't a new metal, the car wasn't just a faster horse and buggy, it completely changed the game on the whole thing. All these new projects using blockchains for weird things other than just Bitcoin, just seem like horse and buggy entrepreneurs strapping internal combustion engines on a horse to make it go faster by using the "underlying technology behind the transportation revolution".
If there is another step to be taken in the direction of better money technology, surely outdated and stubborn bitcoiners will try to integrate that new thing into Bitcoin somehow to try to make it work better, without understanding the true implications of such a different and better money technology, trying to strap that engine to that horse.
I have a strong belief that in the same way that cars started out super heavy, slow, inefficient, dangerous and just worse than cars today, so Bitcoin is in its awkward infancy. We haven't even figured out power steering or seatbelts, let alone airbags or self-driving. And in the face of so much innovation still to come for this novel money technology, that I can't even imagine, trying to imagine a still more novel money technology altogether which obsoletes Bitcoin seems like idk. Idk what it seems like. Impossible? Futile? Idk, pointless? Not sure what word goes here..
But this is a phenomenal answer , I'm so glad I made this post
Great stuff. New idea is always scary and it takes a leap of faith. Go bitcoin:)