Sounds like someone who read a few cointelegraph/coindesk articles or spoke to BCH'ers and didn't do much research and just turned those critiques into a video, when he said that LN makes no attempt to help price vol I nearly switched off lol, where did that ever say that was the intension?
He says that LN can move any other asset and he is right, it also lives on the Litecoin network although no ones using it, they're working on moving other assets with Taro, but that introduces a bunch of other centralisation issues, the reason its ideal for bitcoin is because LN is built with watching the chain in mind and since running a BTC node is still affordable you can do it yourself.
He speaks about no cold storage for LN, why would you need that? The entire point of LN is payments?
He speaks about broadcasting incorrect states to the basechain and stealing funds, yes this is possible, but you run the risk of your counterparty exercising a justice transaction and you could lose your funds for being a bad actor. Also why would you want to burn your reputation for a few million sats?
He talks about centralising paths which is kinda true there will always be a bunch of super nodes like an exchange routing a lot more than your average node, but things like multi-path payments, there will always be a reason for the network to find cheap liquidity to route through
Yes governments could come after LN nodes as money services businesses, especially with the whole synthetic assets but that only pushes nodes to be run in other regions, or run your node over tor. You're just spinning up software and committing data to a network, while the can categorise it as money services the action remains the same and is trivial to boot up
Yes governments could come after LN nodes as money services businesses, especially with the whole synthetic assets but that only pushes nodes to be run in other regions, or run your node over tor.
They could make a law that attempts to regulate Lightning nodes but they can't actually stop your node from running one. The government only fries big fish. There is no way the feds will know you have a node and bother to knock on your door to seize it.