I'm looking to do a bit of busking soon. It would be ideal to have a couple of QR codes on display, one for BTC & one for lightning.
So I'm looking for a wallet that can display a kind of "master" QR code to generate a new BTC address each time someone sends a tip. Preferably one that can do both on chain & lightning.
Bounty goes to the best suggestion.
1,000 sats paid
2bithits's bounties
Will verify later
bip21 covers both bitcoin and lightning in 1 QR code but not all wallets support it yet. your best bet is have a lightning address + lnurl printed for LN. Use something simple like satspay plugin on lnbits or worst case a static bitcoin address.
I have been looking at BIP21 & am kinda wondering why this isn't supported across all wallets? It would really make bitcoin a lot more user friendly
For Lightning: LNURL is a good solution. On Chain: https://paynym.is/about
That's a printed out QR code too
crucial detail :-)
watching this one as I have some friends who are buskers who I'd like to help in this way
Yes... It came to me a few minutes after posting unfortunately
LNPoS. Simple point of sale that supports lightning and on-chain payments.
It can generate a new address every time:
Use an xPub to generate a fresh address for every payment.
Thanks, will look into it
Its been a while, time to pay the bounty.
I think I might have to increase it next time to get some more responses.
What I'm looking for is a static QR code for onchain & one for lightning that can be printed out and put on display while I busk.
Some suggestions that are good ideas but we are perhaps too early are BIP21, paynyms and lnurl.
Paynyms and lnurl only work if you already have one. It needs to be the most basic & usable for most if not all wallets.
Bip 21 would be AMAZING! This should be a priority across all wallets to integrate.
So for lightning Zeus does have a static QR which I found here:
As for onchain, I found evidence of btcpay (which i was surprised no one suggested) also being able to print out a static QR here:
So thanks for your responses. The bounty goes to darthcoin for introducing Zeus albeit in a brief way.
Zap Wallet: A Lightning Network wallet that supports QR codes and generates a new address for each transaction.
Blue Wallet: A mobile wallet for Bitcoin and Lightning that also supports QR codes and generates a new address for each transaction.
c-lightning: An implementation of the Lightning Network that also generates a new address for each transaction. You can use QR codes with this software, but it is intended for more advanced users.
You using AI chat not? Your responses speak like it