Yeah, privacy by default is a much better tradeoff than opt in privacy. coinjoins are a weak opt in privacy no different than zcash's private transactions. nobody uses them and the anonymity set is worthless. lightning isn't private. the dark web isn't using lightning and is actively advising that nobody should ever use bitcoin. if you don't see a problem with cypherpunks avoiding your precious transparent chain cypherpunk money then you are the problem
cringe meme. show me just one dark web user who uses lightning for illegal activity. show me a ransomware that requests a lightning payment. until you can do either, your memes are just cringe
lightning isn't private.
Right there shows how few you know about Bitcoin...
nobody on the dark web who is avoiding law enforcement cares about your opinion, this is the reality. you are not actually making a counter argument to the fact that the dark web isn't using lightning. you are having an emotional outburst because I don't care about your opinion
dark web
LOL live into the light not into the darkness... Debating with shitcoiners is totally useless.
sorry if you don't like it, but that is the real world test and proving grounds for the technology. LOL at bitcoiners who pretend like the dark web isn't important for bitcoin. I guess fully aml/kyc'd regulated and taxed "censorship resistance" is what you think bitcoin is? hahaha it's laughable how bad maxi's larp