With this whole ordinal debate going on, I keep seeing people say something along the lines of blocks being able to hold 4MB of data. My understanding is that the Bitcoin blocksize is still 1MB, and that improvements like SegWit essentially increase the "virtual" space of a block.
Please correct me if I am wrong, I haven't really studied the source code. Technical details would be nice if anyone here knows them already.
I found the answer to my question: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Weight_units
I never realized that the witness data was stored on nodes that don't prune. Pruning nodes will only ever end up with a maximum of 1MB per block, but I imagine that's not what most nodes do.
Just ignore this noise around ordinals. It's pure noise that will fade soon. All this is meant to create a turmoil inside the Bitcoin community and in special between noobs. This turmoil create fake statements, fake opinions, and a giant noise into media that will even more exacerbate the whole thing then the clueless normies watching TV would say "you see I told you, Bitcoin is full of porn"...
каждый живет тут. тут тихо...
I agree with you that it's likely just a fad, I am just trying to figure out the technical details of what is going on, and why people are saying the things they are, specifically with block space / size. I am not worried, just curious.