This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Hmm I got a SN cowboy hat? @k00b what’s up with this? 😂
Howdy peeps, so sorry I missed today's early comment, had to run this morning for work and couldn't manage to send you a positive vibe early but better late than never, have a phenomenal day guys and wish you all good things, be well and stay frosty!!!
What am basically doing is playing Chess on $Miles for some sats. You got to exercise your brain too.
I play leetcode for brain exercise.
Ok, I will check it out
You have a link?
A bunch of people on bitcoin Twitter are locking their accounts.
I don't get it.
Maybe if the reason is that they are trying to drive users to nostr, that might make sense.
If they cant get the people invested in the war, then they will just go straight to the nukes and it something i think about regularly. Where would they drop them? I did some research into why US chose Nagasaki and Hiroshima in the 1940s, and i honestly forgot what i learned, so i will have to look it up again. But it was to do with the terrain, but also they didnt want to drop on Tokyo because they wanted the government to stay largely intact for some reason.
Revisied finite field math and elliptic curve. y^2 = x^3 + 7 tomorrow.
What do you eat at lunch today?
Mushrooms, pasta, cream.
Pizza and 0.5 l of white wine for me...
Nice! No pineapple, right?
Eheheheh no, no, no, no eheeh :)
33k people have died from the COVID vaccine and over a million has had severe adverse affects
and its still available :D
these are just statitics from America
Happy Wednesday folks.
Today I plan on diving into nostr via Damus.
It's Fed Day! It seems so ridiculous that the value of assets worldwide hinge on the decision of seven people in the US, and the comments made by one guy at a press conference.
Fiat clown world. I'll pay attention in case sats go on sale.