I see, thanks. I'll try to see if I get it to work.
Oh, actually, it does seem to carry over contacts from other installations when you set up your profile using the username.tox file. Just doesn't carry across the label you put on it.
Also, unlike Keet the profiles don't share their avatars.
Another thing is that even when you import your tox file from another installation it doesn't sync the messages between them.
Overall, assuming they add leaving chatrooms and ignoring spammy users who join chatrooms you are in, and the A/V chatting works nice, Keet is already better than Tox for UX.
I wish Keet had a console client, too. I much prefer to do everything I can on the CLI.
Yes, that I saw, it carry the contacts, but I haven't been able to chat to a third party from two devices with the same ID. I'm probably missing something or doing something wrong.