Yes, unfortunately the way the regulatory structure works for companies raising private equity- each investor must be an Accredited Investor ($1M net worth, or $200k annual income). It’s ridiculous I know, but to be on the right side of regulation companies must comply. AngelList is a great tool for early stage companies to raise capital from accredited investors because the SPV (special purpose vehicle) that is created for the investment is only 1 entry on the companies cap table, as opposed to hundreds of entries if the $ was raised from individuals. Having a clean cap table is important when the company goes to martlet to raise additional capital in the future.
I run a bitcoin specific AngelList syndicate, which you can check out via the link below if you’re interested. @supertestnet, I’ll hit you up to see if I may he able to assist the founder of Robosats.
To apply to this syndicate thing on AngelList, one needs to have a big net worth, right? Is there another way to invest sats in the venture?