Thank you! We've got a lot of plans for the upcoming year that I hope can really push it to be a solid wallet
Excited for the developments on this as well. Last time I tried it, I couldn’t send. Is this possible yet?
There was an on chain bug for a little bit that we fixed. But we don't have gossip sync yet so only paying your direct channel partners on lightning is possible. Hopefully we add that soon too.
Lots to polish up! Sorry if it was problematic, is still very much in a "hackathon" shape but we've been doing a lot of planning and getting back to the code. We have a testnet version too now:
Is it a your suggestion? Seems great!
A warm suggestion: on the website and github page would be nice as first thing offer guidance to newcomers: write in a sentence what Mutinity is, link to a long form resource that explains the insides and usage, point to the demo (this can be buried in the writeup is you think is still too alpha and the user need to read before tweaking the wallet, to avoid bad experience, ex. lost funds).
Mutiny is the first private lightning wallet that focuses entirely on privacy first features. Mutiny utilizes pLN (the private lightning wallet) and offers privacy as the only option. Read how it works and test it live.
UX is important to promote a project/idea/technology, imho :)