Twitter is dead.
Long live #Nostr
there is a difference between what you wish is true and what is actually true :)
As cool as Nostr is but with the network effect and escape velocity that Twitter achieved I find it it challenging to be a rival for it especially the majority of people dont care much about privacy or decentralisation.
On the other hand, Nostr is mainly full of Bitcoiners and if it manged to integrate Lightning for orange pilling nocoiners plus if it becomes a place where it creates monetary value for its users then the potential is massive!
I do hope that I'm wrong and Nostr wins!
LN is already integrated. Some clients, not so much, others are part of the core functionality. I'm seeing more people than ever spin up LN nodes because they got inspired watching the 30 - 100 LN invoices every hour flying around.
I'll believe that when people stop tweeting it.
So why don't you delete your twatter sccount?
Why people still use twatter? I never use it anyways.
Lol going to be fun to see the transition, I think the ones to leave last are the ones with the most to lose so your big accounts, influencers and algo hackers will continue on, while everyone else says fuckit, draining the pool and those that do switch over will benefit from the new pool growing in nostr looking for interesting accounts to follow
Just imagine all the elite journalists, pretending to leave Twitter in a rampage going back to defend it and try to prop it up so Nostr doesn’t win