Interesting Use Case11.4%
Attack on Bitcoin20.5%
Proof of Uncensorability40.9%
I don't care27.3%
44 votes \ poll ended
Proof of uncensorability but also a complete waste of time and a distraction from the real use case of Bitcoin. Build whatever you want on layer 2. Leave layer 1 for transmitting value.
Blows my mind people getting this bent out of shape for someone building something on a public good.
Public goods get used and abused all the time! Bitcoin bring a public good for money will suffer the same fate.
I really hope bitcoin doesn’t become the morality police picking winners and losers based on a morals and views of a select few. This is exactly the system we are trying to leave!
I'm actually amazed that 20% (as of right now) believe it's an attack.
you don't have to hope. on Bitcoin everyone is free to be as immoral as they please. People complaining won't change that.
For now...
Imagine if you get arrested in the future for 'chain pollution' . lol
5th option: it will go away, slowly will be forgotten, like was all previous intents like these. Too much noise. Immoral behavior. This show us that some people still don't have morality.
truer words have never been spoken
started as #1, quickly became #2 as shitcoiners are wont to pile on anything worthless.
The concept is interesting with the use case probably beyond lame jpegs, I dunno. Its a shame its being used how it is, but it is as it is so I'm gonna let it ride and see what the longer term implications might be, if any. However, a node runner doesn't have to accept them (ordisrespector patch). That's your node, you have the say as to what's on it.
I guess we'll all find out when child porn gets posted into blocks.
I am sure it is already there. You are naive if you think that garbage isn’t already on the chain
As a node runner I was worried about this too. Turns out that illegal content has been present on the blockchain for a few years now:
We probably don't see this sort of content too often because nobody wants to risk getting caught broadcasting it.