I have read nostr.how and have a question. The site says that relays do not sync data with each other - so how does content from popular accounts get spread over the network? Do i need to connect to the same relays which are used by the accounts i follow or how does that work in the end?
Yes, that's exactly how it works for the most part. If I want to see your posts, I need to connect to at least one of the relays you published them to (assuming they haven't deleted your posts).
Thanks for your explaination! So you have a puper popular user posting through your relay, milions of people will connect to your relay and if you can not handle the load, the userexperience will be bad.
Could become a problem for censorship resistance when somebody like Robert Malone gets censored on one relay and he needs to find a new one that will host him and also can handle the load.
P2P syncing with users who follow the same account would be cool?