This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Throwing more servers at the intermittent site slowness issue. I think we were hitting bandwidth constraints.
I'm wondering if the job board would be simpler without an auction but rather just ranking based on how many sats a job poster pays.
Having to determine how much a poster pays based on the presence of other posts is perhaps unnecessarily complicated.
What I intended was that poster could set some upper limit they'd be willing to pay, yet not be required to pay that much if the board placement wasn't contested.
Instead, maybe they just simply say, "I'll pay 50k sats/mo and let it rank me where it may." That way there's no guessing as to how much you'll pay.
Does anyone know if lightning nodes like RapiBlitz or Umbrel are only Tor entry nodes or Tor relays?
It's so ridiculous. Technologies are indifferent about how they are being used. Nobody would say that because Putin uses the internet or drives a Mercedes.
The main reason we have this problem is that people think Bitcoin is controllable. They think it's like Facebook or something and can be subpoenaed. Data as globally available, consistent, and valuable as Bitcoin's timechain hasn't existed prior without a "controller." We are just so early.