This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Reading SN threads and linked content. Made a couple of posts and comments. I think I like it here.
most recent blocks is now 2-3mb
I just got what I assume was quite advanced scam call - American accent lady with busy office background sounds asking me something about medicare. But the voice sounded slightly too good. It felt a bit too much AI-ish and her response sentences were just a bit too well prepared. I refused to provide my age and the caller hung up.
Just watched super_testnet video on Bitcoin Script, it's good for understanding but I'm gonna code it in dart. 🤖
On 11th day of 21 Days of Bitcoin - it is actually very well written. Well done Bitcoin Magazine. Keep it up
I completed it. The quiz at the end is ridiculously easy. You will get 100%. It's pretty good overall and you get some free sats at the end so worth it. I sent it to my buddy who I recently orange pilled. Hopefully he is doing it. I think it is great for new bitcoiners.
Yeah, also forwarded it to a few people. ;) - one at a time
Hey folks! Air smells nice this morning, almost with a hint of not freezing my face off. Feeling good about today.