This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
This Bitcoin plugin for wordpress is quite nice. You can sell access to your blog posts, or files, etc, with sats via lightning with it.
Strike with Bisq is laughably easy!! Leak some data giving up your sn but no-KYC p2p was easy
Today was D&D & D&D & D&D day. I’m tired.
Bitcoin is an impossible offer you should be ashsamed at supporting it and asking innocent people to stack sats. The world would have been much better off if all the effort spent on advocating for Bitcoin was spent on advocating for gold. Because Bitcoin CAN be wiped out unlike gold, and if that happens then 200 years+ of fiat money and CBDC is guarnateed. And that is excactly whats going to happen
cant send you a tiny piece of gold through the internet but I can send u 10 sats no problem
I get that people can have preferences. Fair. But what makes your belief any more valid than a random Bitcoiner on here?
Just starting down the LN rabbit hole a couple days ago and I am already feeling the urge to covert altcoins to $BTC.
Thinking about the following: -Bitcoin via lightning as a rewards program (been thinking about this for awhile and Saylor discussed it for enterprise customers when MSTR released earnings. -Mining through appliances (ala heatbit) and industrial machinery
Basically thinking about the integrations that will help scale adoption and orange pill people by proxy.
Upgraded @Alby and lost my SN account. When I log in with Lightning now I land on a different account. Is there anything I am doing wrong?
Should have added backup email, like @koob suggested the other day.
You're right. I just saw that post, too late.
Hopefully didn't lose too many sats
On a Sunday, turning my eyes in detail to the process of Mining a Bitcoin which includes:
  1. Blockchain
  2. Proof of Work (PoW): the process to earn new bitcoins; the first miner to arrive at the right answer, or closest answer, to a numeric problem.
  3. A 64 digit hexadecimal number (a hash): e.g. 0000000000000000057fcc708cf0130d95e27c5819203e9f967ac56e4df598ee
  4. A target Hash: metaphorical undisclosed number in the envelope
  5. Mining pool:a group of coin miners who combine their computing power and split the mined Bitcoin (rewards)
Great Sunday funday everyone!!! This week surely went fast. Sunny and a cool wind makes today a great day to hit the beach, go for a walk and hit a café, a nice convo with your SO or a friend with some wine and a cheese platter or just stay at home and watch a movie. The possibilities are endless, just do it. I will send you some good vibes and positive thoughts your way and wish you a day with lots of success and lots of amazing moments. Be well my friend and stay frosty.
Lots of driving so listening to Bitcoin podcasts and buying gas and getting 10% back on that gas in bitcoin!!?? #Winning
"Amazingly ChatGPT gets hired at L3 when interviewed for a coding position"
This 2023 will be the year of AI generated content.
Just installed a new printer where u fill in cartridge yourself for my parents. Let s see if u print more without fill in (less expensive with the time) And If this new technology is really thinking in long term ( less issue, long life....)
I'm interested to hear what you think. I hate buying those cartridges. I always have the sense I am being ripped off.
I use HP instant ink. They send free ink. Just charge you for pages per month packages. I only pay like $4 a month for 50 pages and have a bunch of roll over ones. It works great!
With this model, you do not buy anymore cartridges but you have small bottles that u use to fill in the cartridge inside the printer. As it is belong to my parents, let s see what they think...