Great Topic!
Couple thoughts:
  • Maybe prioritize opening lightning channels over consolidating on chain address. A lightning channel might be more useful and valuable.
  • Think through the cost of mixing your coins. Doing a coin join will have some fees (granted those fees might be lower now then in the future). One may want to mix before putting associating coins into same address.
I have given it a little thought but look forward to others opinion.
Thanks for the reply! I got pretty involved with the plebnet community a little over a year and a half ago but never actually opened a channel to anyone. I think you are right that it is time to do so now.
Edit: You are right I definitely need to coin join in multiple rounds before opening channels.
I disagree, most of your stack should be in cold storage. doesn't have to be 'consolidated' on one address Use a new address for every onchain transaction. If you wanna go the extra mile do coin control & coinjoin.
But pls don't put your stack all in channels. It's too risky. Only spending amounts.
Big spends usually don't mind if they take a bit longer to settle, so you can still do these on chain.
Thanks for the response. I do agree with you. I see now the first reply could be interpreted more than one way.
My current thinking is I would only ever lock a small percentage of my sats into lightning channels. Because of that I didn't interpret the response as suggesting one should risk a significant proportion that way. It's possible that's what was meant though.
I'm definitely sticking almost exclusively to cold storage.
Any thoughts on what might be a good amount of sats to have for each of people's smallest utxo sets? Maybe have a whole bunch of smaller ones with 1.5 million sats per? I'm thinking about safety and not needing to reveal you have very much to others when spending.
I know there are so many variables.
Yes, I didn't mean to put all coins in Lightning channel. More that you will want to have some lighting channels open, before high fee environment sets in.
Yes, totally agree with that.
Cool, yeah i think it's obvious for most, but i wanted to clarify.
I think it should be enough to just use a new address for everything. If you received huge amounts in one transaction you can think about splitting it up. But i think i wouldn't go to such lengths
Okay, your input is much appreciated. I just want my set up as clean as possible. I'm thinking I should plan in case we get into a situation where you can't get a basic transaction through for less than a 100,000 sats fee to the miners like at some points in 2017.
Might seem absurd now but you never know. If that happens there are going to be a lot of stranded sats out there.
It doesn't really matter if they are stranded, cold stored BTC should avoid being moved anyway. Eventually the tx will get mined for cheap, if you're not in a rush (which you shouldn't be if you plan accordingly)
That's why it's important to think about what is your spending/receiving habits and use LN for that, and for stacking you can use on chain.
Setting up an emergency stack i can get behind, one that is cold stored but can be liquidated (moved to channels/sidechains) quickly. But doing that with your whole stack will probably give you a headache
Just my opinions here, people might disagree
тебе нужны кристально чистые монеты??? могу тебе помочь с этим. там будет одна транзакция с нового блока 6.25 монет. минимальный резус фактор для 0,001 монет. и не важно сколько ты будешь ее хранить... Многие майнеры так делают... они просто разбивают по 100000 сатоши для будущего!)))