This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Tiny bug report.
Now that there's a cowboy hat and number of days shown in the profile here, when you double click to select a username from the profile, it also selects the number of days along with the username. Ideally the number should not be selected.
What a day!
I probably missed the announcement, what does this icon represent? (it's next to some of the user's name and says a number of days if you hover it)
It's an easter egg. šŸ¤
deleted by author
Going through, I will admit, the directory of LN Web services is detailed and I recommend you all check it out
Proposal for @k00b
A nostr relay for all SN users.
  • each SN user will be "verified" on nostr
  • to post using this relay, each post will cost 1sat or whatever amount you decide, same as on SN.
  • user can use the sats from SN account, to post on SN and on nostr.
  • each post on SN, could have an additional option "post on nostr", so when you post something on SN is also posted on nostr. Optional, because not always you want to post on nostr. A simple tick box for the reply or post on SN. Of course that will be an extra cost of sats
nice cowboy hat!
... and I have it for several days. Is like stick on my head šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ (maybe I am the sheriff now) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
haha looks like 7 days right now
You can even extend this to more features, create like a fee market:
  • you want to post something right now, pay extra fee
  • you want to post it later, pay regular 1sat/note
  • you reply to a note, 1 sat/reply 1st reply, 5 sats next reply, 10 sats the next one and so on
  • all kind of things like these that will also increase the BTC/LN adoption. Even all shitcoiners will HAVE TO USE USE LN if they want to post.
We're planning to try to do some kind of hybrid thing like this. I'm unsure of the details, but we'll at the very least host a read-only relay of SN content.
nvk is offering 0.01btc bounty for hacker news nostr clone
Reading more on Liquid, Rootstock and what makes Lightning stand out
Working the day job, stacking sats, converting shitcoins to sats, and delving deeper into Lightning Network.
Hi everyone,
I need a job in the Bitcoin space. Full-time, part-time, or Contract.
I have 3 years of experience in customer support and community management.
My other areas of expertise include Project management, Content writing, and Administrative assistance.
Check the job listings here on stacker news. Looks like a couple might suit you.
Thank you
I just signed up here, just starting, Am I an early adopter? This is my thought at the moment.
It depends on how many lightnings you've seen so far
You and me both. Can I tell my mom I'm "cutting edge" now?
i m looking for a job...
Good luck!
same here
good luck
Hell of a day gang, it's Tuesday and it's my bday!! So let's see what the day brings, coffee is flowing and the day looks amazing. I wish you all a phenomenal day too and enjoy it with arms wide open and eyes wide open, be well guys and stay frosty.
Happy Birthday! What do you coach?
I'm an English teacher and an English coach šŸ˜Š
Happy birthday šŸŽ‰
Thank you!!! Having a blast today
Happy Birthday Coach!
Thank you for your wishes!! It's a great day indeed
Imo bitcoin has peaked it will maybe split into smaller parts motivated by desperation but at the end of the day the fundamental truth holds true
You can't have money without a king
Going further: what has decentralization given us? Hype and pump. But that's it. For example full rbf didn't become default even tho it was the right thing, segwit came with a blocksize increase which was wrong, and there was a better solution. i believe the multisig design also won over a better alternative back in the day. I thought decentralization was supposed to protect against this sort if thing. But it didn't. All it does is give us a dream to throw our money at until we realise the hard way it wont work.
Why are you on Stacker News? Segwit has been around for a while now. Why are you still interested in bitcoin? Are you interested in other coins as a result of your dissatisfaction?
They are all the same including bitcoin. Used to extract value from naive and ignorant people and I am playing this game too but now I am speaking up. I wouldn't feel as good making money on the way to $3k if I didn't say anything.
Back during the blocksize war, did you oppose the UASF?
Ahhh. So you desire the role of corner soap box preacher within the Bitcoin community?