The fed went broke because it became dishonest, it was probably always dishonest though. The hardest truth for me to stomach is that the creators ( printers, interest manipulators ) of fiat currency actually have no need for it. They have all of the resources at there feet to do anything they can dream up ( the way life should be for us all I think ), all they need to do is watch, while we live the lie, while our relationships, friendships, and very lives crumble at feet of the paper they hold over our heads. That is the truth that hurts!! Good day everyone
Lyn is absolutely amazing. I've got all her albums.
It's an utter failure of modern society that more people watch Jim Cramer than Lyn Alden. A damn shame.
She has albums?
Just a figure of speech. Another way of saying, "I've read all her stuff and listened to every podcast/panel she's been on".
Her December article on the Lightning Network was incredible. Really puts all the shitcoins to shame and solidifies Bitcoin's dominance. But she does it in a non-biased, emotionless way. Just facts and figures. I think I've developed a crush. Too bad she's married.
A great article. My favorite parts were the history about the Fed being forced to exchange physical gold for gold certificates during the FDR administration during the 1930s and the brilliant statement "The financial system in the United States, and for most of the rest of the world for that matter, can basically be thought of as an Excel spreadsheet managed by the Federal Reserve. That’s all it really is."