An efficient way to store energy digitally with ultimate protection for your property. And with property comes freedom. Energy --> Property --> Freedom
A big FUCK YOU MONEY, to all govs and banks.
Here’s my favourite answer:
Farida Bemba Nabourema – Togolese Human Rights Activist, Writer
“Bitcoin is a philosophy: that of building a society in which people are freed from the financial systems established for centuries by the most powerful of this world, which allow them to manipulate the value of currencies in their favor and to become endlessly rich when everybody else gets poorer.
Bitcoin is above all a philosophy of liberation. Then, Bitcoin is a tool to counter the financial embargoes wrongly imposed on peoples by autocratic regimes or by imperialist and militarist institutions to prevent them from freeing themselves from their yoke as whoever controls your money, owns your destiny.”
”Bitcoin is absolute, verifiable digital scarcity.”
  • Knut Svanholm
”Bitcoin is a way for you to store some of your earnings for the very long term without needing constant active management, investment expertise, trusting agents & financial planners, or recurring management fees.”
  • Saifedean Ammous
“...Bitcoin is apolitical and deflationary in nature, it is a better alternative to fiat currencies that are dependent on inflationary monetary policy”
  • Caitlin Long
By not increasing the money supply and instead keep it fixed with absolute scarcity, it will increase the quality of life.
  • me
Bitcoin is the possible end of fiat currency, but coin is the possible end of slavery. It should separate the dishonest, and evil from the rest, and really shine light on the game there playing, the beautiful people their classing, and the beautiful lives their waisting. Bitcoin is proof that there is always a better way!!!
Wealth Energy Asset Leverage Thermodynamic Health
биткоин = инструкция.... понять сложно применить легко...