what do you think about muun wallet?
some people love it, some people hate it...

My view

Muun Wallet has a very clean interface and it is perfect for begiinners. It is really a good option for those new to LN and who don't have a notion of what are channels, balances, payment orders, nodes, etc. It is a good start even for those who know what these things are but have not tried LN before. This was my first wallet and i liked it very much for the simplicity, and through Muun Wallet I could showcase LN for friends and get them onboard, at least curious. One thing I particularly liked was the ability to generate invoices without specifying the amount (not all LN wallets have this option).
As I started using LN and becoming more familiar with it, I began to experience the (in)famous "high fees". In some occasions I paid up to 2000 sats! (was around 1% of the transaction, but still high). It was not just once; there were a couple of other cases where I paid 200 - 900 sats, which is quite a lot considering the fees on other wallets. Other silly thing about Muun is its strange way of backing up funds, which can only be backed up on Muun afaik.
So I've migrated to other wallets such as phoenix, blue wallet, which gives the user more control and more options, at the same time it requires more knowledge and a bit more burden. For example, on phoenix, you have to pay to have hosted channels; without your own channels you can't receive satoshis while in Muun you can start receveing sats directly, which adds convenience at expense of user control
To sum up, I don`t think Muun is bad as other people suggest (due to occasional high fees and strange back ups), and I've seen many bitcoiners talk badly about Muun. Actually, I think Muun is pretty good to get started; if one needs something more advanced he or she can choose phoenix, zeus, etc. IMO Muun would the best wallet if it (1) fix the high fees issue and (2) also add advanced options for advanced users (to manage channels, use own node) but keep the "easy custodial interface" by default. I think Muun has great potential, let me know what you think.
great wallet comparison! i just think some "hostile" opinions about Muun are exaggerated
Good UI, garbage unscalable model.
Great UI & terrible fees