This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Ah damn it... I lost my cowboy hat. The fight against shitcoiners must be intensified. I can't walk without a hat in the desert plain of shitcoins.
How come altcoin communities all seem to share BTC values but they dont seem to support BTC itself?
Too impatient.
For fun, I'm building a nostr relay from scratch.
That sounds fun... I have been doing a JS game for fun with sprites and stuff 😄
I’ll come clean here and confess that the reason Nostr is on my radar is that I heard all these wild stories of people posting Lightning invoices on their clients - and having them paid by Internet strangers, no questions asked. So I tried to set up accounts with Astral and Anigma but just could not register successfully. The whole public and private keys confused me. Not to mention the concept of relays.
Recently though, I decided to give Nostr another shot because I learnt that Cowdle, which is similar to Wordle except that you have to guess a six letter word correctly, is on Damus, one of Nostr’s clients. It dishes out sats if you guess a word correctly! Now I’m rather fond of Wordle, so I was really keen to check out Cowdle. Thank goodness Damus was available for download on the Apple Store. I downloaded and installed it. Registering my account was a piece of cake. Soon, I was testing my mental acuity by trying to win Cowdle games. I did win a few actually! I registered my Zebedee account, so I immediately received my Cowdle winnings on Zebedee. Found it really cool!
In fact, it’s distracting me from my task of adding people on Damus so that I could post random LN invoices to see if people would pay me just for the heck of it. But Cowdle is occupying my attention these days. Guess it will take time for me to get tired of it.
What’s your experience of Nostr like?
Hey hey hey gang, it's a great sunny Saturday, good for a nice dip in the pool and enjoy, the market is a tad red but have no fear my friends, just see it as a good opportunity for DCAing and hodl. I wish you a great weekend, be well gang and stay frosty!
Nostr was very cool until the Chinese flooded in spamming ads and wechat links. Anyone can let me know how to filter them out? It is around 95% spam at this point.
You need the latest Damus version from testflight (if you are not in the testflight beta, wait till this version appears in the App store).
This version by default only shows paid relays on the global. So then you just need to purchase a few. I bought the same ones as Jack Dorsey:
  1. Use paid relays.
  2. Use (reads from paid relays by default)
There are really 3 ways to prevent spam reliably in a "global" system, ie a commons:
  1. algorithmically, e.g. bayesian spam filtering, ... a constant arms race
  2. [transitive] reputation, e.g. WoT
  3. making it expensive
The more of (1) and (2) you can use, the less of (3) you need. But you probably want all of them at scale.
There has to be a fourth option
I just tend to avoid the global feed and stick with my "following" feed. There is also probably a way to add and remove relays to help the situation, but I haven't tried that yet.