And as far as 404, ... when I see a 404 response to a link, I think someone screwed up. Either the link was bad, or the site is having issues.
Why not instead a nice, friendly message like ...
"Sorry, this job listing has been removed. We have many others -- check them out!". (with a link to ~jobs).
I think having a specific missing message is a better UX - great catch.
For NOSATS, yeah I think it should hide the job else you could just create a job for a minute, then get half the value prop - being discoverable by google and having a link hosting your job on our site. Open to changing my mind but I think handling STOPPED and NOSATS the same is the move for now.
Just a reminder -- using the URL, the site still shows the listing , whether active, STOPPED or NOSATS.
Thanks! I forgot about this