I'm going to be honest here and say that your toxicity is not going to help in getting people to see things from your point of view. If you're more respectful of people they're going to be much more willing to consider what you have to say. In our interaction today your toxicity just got me frustrated at you lol. Instead of wanting to think over what you were saying I just felt defensive... I'm pretty sure that you don't want to just get people angry in your interactions and that you genuinely want to help people. I really don't want to argue with you anymore on this. Just know that I've thought through what you had to say and I'll be thinking about it. Have a great rest of your day dude.
Dude I would ignore DarthCoin. He's so ideologically possessed that he puts Bitcoin before normal human interaction. Its a shame because there a good amount of things I agree with him on. The problem comes when you disagree with him on anything.
Yeah at first I was just really frustrated (hence the thread of me arguing with him) and then I was just like you know what this is stupid. Which is why I posted the above message just to end it respectfully.
No worry, I am watching you...
Bro you're taking this too far. Now you're being creepy...
I am not "bro" with shitcoiners. I simply don't like shitcoiners. Stop me if you can. I don't need you to talk nice with me. I don't give a shit.
I want you to be a real fucking bitcoin maxi not a pussy shitcoiner.
Sheesh did you read my long message earlier? Literally nobody appreciates your toxicity. I tried to end the interaction earlier because I just didn't want to argue with you anymore. Calling me a "shitcoiner" when I literally only hold btc and no alts lol. You say "FUCK THE BANKS" but all you're doing is fucking everyone else over.
I am not here to please the people or like my comments. I am here to point out all the shitcoiners. Yes you are shitcoiner and I pointed out why. Shitcoiner it doesn't mean just holding or using shitcoins, but also having a fiat mind.
In time you will see that I am right. No worry.
I think you should stop interacting with him at all. It just encourages him to keep acting out of pocket. Leave him on read.
You're probably right. I get aggravated really easily lol.
I've done the exact same thing 😑