can you lower the egg prices, i need cheap proteins :(
Damn I guess they're still not even close to the 2% target, I guess 5% fed funds rate is next, this over correction is going to nuts
Who even cares about CPI? It's a scam. They change the method when they feel like it.
And we pumped? That's unexpected
6.4% inflation and 4.75% interest. Real interest rates are negative and the low key run on the dollar is still going on.
We've had so many years of following the Fed and then the recent bigger hikes, this is "bullish" apparently.
It's not all about CPI. People love following CPI and Fed, but total global liquidity is increasing (because Asia lowered rates / printed money as NA/Europe have been tightening, and the overall total global liquidity went on an uptick). This matters a lot because there's now more money chasing equities in total, in theory.
Was thinking the same. Let me know if you can figure out why!