Been using a lot of LN the last two months. Stacking with some mediocre games, Stacker News, Apollo, Bitcoin Magazine and such.
I regularly listen for at least an hour on Fountain app each day lately for the drip of sats having no idea that you could roll 250 sats per minute.
15,000 sats later I excitedly withdrew them and they instantly showed up in my Phoenix wallet. Realizing I forgot to send a boost in my newfound wealth to the podcast I was listening to while earning, I sent some sats back to my fountain wallet from my SN wallet for fun. Again. Instantly. Boosted the podcast. All in under a minute.
This tool is unbelievable.
Bitcoin may weigh nothing and exist in cyberspace on a public ledger any of us can verify the rules of. But dammit if the knowledge of its potential doesn't weigh heavy on the mind.
Tethered to time. Secured by energy. Open to anyone. I dunno. Just happy to be here. Not simply ignoring it like most. It's a fad.
Nice. I'm still in the beginning phase. Hopefully it all works out rather quickly, because I hate wasting time
We are either all wasting our time with this or have seen greener pastures and are trying our best to navigate there.
I'm not a gambler. I have real hard time believing anything to a degree I get excited about it. But the hundreds of hours I've put into learning what I can. This bastard is hard to squish.
Feels good man
Feels so good.