Doing SEO for a news publisher as my main job some first hints about what could be improved at Stacker News to make it more visible on Google and other search engines
  1. The URL structure + internal links
1.1) Currently every post like #13799 and all replies #13804 have URLs. I would recommend let Search engines just index the original post (but with all the replies) as one URLs. Replies should not be indexable. Replies alone are hard to understand coming from Google. In general search engines like bigger posts with more content - could be done by grouping the whole thread into one indexable URL. There is different ways how to solve this. In general I would recommend to rid of URLs which are not used by users + which are thin content (that's many of the comments) and solve it differently
1.2) Speking URLs are still a thing for search engines. is nicer than #13814
1.3) I would avoid special chars in URLs
1.4) 3 URLs for every user with posts or comments could be reduced to one by just adding everything below on e.g. I don't expect that users on Google search for profiles of
1.5) I would recommend to reduce links to user profiles e.g. on the homepage. The content is usually more important than user profiles for search engines. This could be solved by replacing the a href link with a button or something javascript like. Google will just follow a href links
1.6) On home there are always 3 a href links to every post. The title, the comments and the date. Just make the title an a href link. The link text is important to guide search engines, what the link goal is about. 4 comments or 4 Mar is telling search engines bots nothing.
1.7) Google will not click the "more" button at the bottom of the page. So they cannot reach older articles. I would recommend to have a pagination an maybe an archive which lists all posts of each month and links to prev and next months.
1.8) An XML sitemap would be useful too
1.9) This should not be indexable Search should never be indexed
There is probably more to find here
  1. Content polish to be news worthy for Google
The are some realy good long reads on but the current structure make it hard to rank them in e.g. Google Top Stories (that's the with image news posts in Google), Google Disover or Google News. The content does not fullfil the requirements to be ranked in those services yet. I'm not sure if the standard could make it into those but if the contend would curated and extended it should be worth a try.
2.1) Images are needed
2.3) A news xml sitemap is need. Rss feeds are recommended too
2.3) <h1> is needed also more descriptive <title> and meta description would help
Ok I will stop here. I think there are a lot of technical issues which should be solved as a starting point. As a follow up that's part 2) already there is a lot of stategic potentical with SEO for Happy to help @k00b.
Thanks for the input. Search engine crawler optimization is still black magic for me.
1.3) I would avoid special chars in URLs
I'm a tilde maximalist now. Give me squiggles or give me death.
As a counterpoint, medium seems to do just fine with @ in their urls.
haha ok keep your tilde... if it's just a few selected special chars that's easy - but I have seen terrible stuff in the past in some projects... so that's the standard recommendation.
1.3) It's not really a high prio task.
In general all the ideas are just written down while randomly checking
1.1) + 1.4) and in general things to reduce "not really relevant URLs from search engine user's perspective are good ones to start with. 1.7) too
And maybe as a first step to become more news like offer not just "link" and "discussion" but also "article" with maybe min. 200 words. title. description. image, ... (need to look up in detail what's needed)
I like this article idea a lot
When SN has a million users, having a sperm tail in each URL would be a great inside joke..
Incredible feedback 🔥
wow this is amazing.